The Snow debate continues…

img_0309As we looked outside this morning at the snow falling, the debate raged on.  Is it “pretty” or is it a “pain in the you-know-what” ??  The split normally seems to be about 50/50.  People like my wife (who loves this time of year and wishes for the most snow possible) espouse about the beauty and tranquility of the snowy ground and “briskness” of the weather.  While people like myself (who like summer and despise any kind of precip) hold much disdain for the inconveniences that winter weather brings.  I have a more pragmatic approach (in my mind at least), noting the dangers that this weather poses to driving, the strains it puts on our local resources and infrastructure, and the just plain uncomfortable way i feel when it’s cold and snowy outside.  I would be fine if I never saw nor drove in snow again.  However my wife would probably move to Colorado if given the chance.  At least in today’s case, we were able to come together a bit…as most of us did agree that (once the snow stopped) it was, in fact, lovely to look at, and the inconveniences were kept to a dull roar.  Perhaps if we can agree on this, we can agree on other issues as well.  Or not.  Enjoy this “lovely” day of everyone being on the same page while you can!